Integrating ICT in Science

STANSW conference

Activity 1: Laptops in Science PMI

Click here to open activity.

Activity 2: Investigating OneNote as an option or "electronic exercise books"

The files below are OneNote packages. Each package contains a number of examples of tried and tested activities that integrate the use of technology in Science. The files are available in a number of formats to ensure that they can be opened regardless of the version of OneNote you have available.

 OneNote 2010 single file package  - this is the only version where the linked files will actually open.

OneNote 2007 - section 1 (linked files will not open but links to web based resources work)
OneNote 2007 - section 2 (linked files will not open but links to web based resources work)

pdf of OneNote Notebook (linked files will not open but links to web based resources work)


Activity 3: Using Goole docs to share experiment results

Open the sample google docs below, then contribute to the discussion forum below. 

- Experiment on investigating variation within species
-  Results of experiment on effect of salt and antifreeze on boiling point of water



Practical work in a 1:1 laptop environment

Some equipment worth purchasing:

web cams:
- long USB cable
- clip on
- built in microphone
- no additional software (drivers) required

dinolite/digital eyepiece:
- Is additional software (drivers) required? Do the students have administrator rights to their computer?

data loggers:
- easy to use
- will they connect to the student laptops (again, sofware issue)
- Is it possible to save the data in a format that can be opened on the student laptops if you cannot load additional software.

Microphone + headphone kits:
- hygiene considerations.
- USB connection

Topic: Impact of laptops on Science Education


Additional devices for practical work

Which additional devices has your school purchased to use with the laptops? What are your tips for other teachers?


Google docs in Science

Google docs are a great way to share experiment results. What are some other ideas for using google docs in Science?


Impact of laptops on Science education

What's changed since your students were issued with their own laptop computer? What are you doing differently? What are your students doing differently? Do you have any tips for other teachers strating out in a 1:1 laptop environment?

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